Transport Phenomena in Nuclear Applications

latest news and highlights

16-4-’24 - Britta Bor successfully finished her MSc project on fission particle removal from molten salts.

29-2-’24 - Lotte Borstlap successfully finished her MSc project on wet-node boundary methods in  LBM.

28-2-’24 - Pieter van der Spek finished his MSc project on freezing and heat transfer in turbulent flows with LBM on a GPU

16-2-’24 - Floor Collenteur successfully finished her MSc project on melting in turbulent flows

14-2-’24 - Coco Polderman successfully finished her MSc projejct on neutronics/thermal-hydraulics coupling in the lattice-Boltzmann method

28-6-’23 - Mees Wortelboer finished his MSc project on freezing and heat transfer in turbulent flows with LBM on a GPU

28-6-’23 - Daniel van Bemmelen finished his MSc project on non-Newtonian fluids and turbulence with LBM on a GPU

30-1-’23 - Sasha Iovanovici finished his MSc project on fission particle removal by bubbling 

19-8-’22 - Thorben Besseling finished his MSc project on freezing/melting in a cavity

13-7-’22 - Max Boeré finished his MSc project on the Mo-loop

12-7-’22 - Eva Benschop finished her BSc project on the viscometer

8-7-’22 - Celeke Bus finished her MSc project on convective freezing in LBM schemes

28-6-’22 - Huib Baetsen finished his BSc project on microfluidics

11-4-’22 - Willemijn finished her MSc project on the flow battery

14-3-’22 - Zheng Liu obtained his Doctor title!

16-12-’21 - Feline de Groot finished his BSc project on LBM in microfluidic purification

8-12-’21 - Sara Mastromarino obtained her Doctor title!

7-12-’21 - Dirk-Jan Korpershoek finished his MSc project on neutron radiography in supercritical fluids

1-12-’21 - Sabine van Dijk finished here BSc project on the ultrasound viscometer

29-11-’21 - Anne Grooten finished here BSc project on Helium bubbling

25-8-’21 - Maarten Kurstjens finished his BSc project on microfluidics

20-8-’21 - Jesper van Winden finished his MSc project on melting in the MSR

14-7-’21 - Olivier Schuringa finished his MSc project on the viscometer

13-7-’21 - Rona Roovers finished her BSc project on the HEAL loop

9-7-’21 - Ies Lakerveld finished his work on helium bubbling in the MSFR

23-4-’21 - Joris Blokker finished his MSc project on X-ray radiography in supercritical fluids

18-3-’21 - Laurens Haffmans finished his BSc project on the HOR Experimental Irradiation Loop

10-3-’21 - Kyle Muller finished his BSc project on the flow in a semi-solif flow battery 

2-10-’20 - Rinus Smit finished his BSc project on conductivity of ions and electrons in flow cells

28-8-’20 - Leon Rozing finished his MSc project on Helium bubbling

26-8-’20 - Koen Arends finished his BSc project on the viscometer for molten salts

25-8-’20 - Lotte Borstlap finished her BSc project on the viscometer for molten salts

27-3-’20 - Remco Rook finished his MSc project on the viscometer for molten salts

14-2-’20 - Hugo Korthals Altes finished his BSc project on electrical conductivity in flow cells

27-1-’20 - Fulvio graduated and became Dr. Bertocchi!

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November 2024 - Third consortium meeting of the ReZilient project, hosted by TU Delft

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October 2024 -Kick-off of the new ENDURANCE project in Milano, funded by the EC. This project focusses on molten salt reactor technology. 

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September 2024 -Thomas Dumaire successfully defended his PhD thesis on molten salts!

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July 2024 - TU Delft organised a summer school on molten salt reactors (link)

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July 2024 - Paper accepted on a finite volume parallel adaptive mesh refinment method for solid-liquid phase change (link)

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June 2024 - Paper accepted on Non-intrusive temperature measurements for transient freezing in laminar internal flow using laser induced fluorescence (link)

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April 2024 - Paper accepted on applying the lattice-Boltzmann method in microfluidic chips at very low Capillary numbers in the International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. Authors: Anand Sudha and Martin Rohde (link)

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February 2024 - The European project proposal ENDURANCE has been granted!! Hence, we will continue working on the molten salt reactors in Delft, together with our partners in countries such as France and Italy. As soon as the final contract has been signed, we can look for one PhD student and a post-doctoral researcher.

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February 2024 - Paper accepted on non-intrusive temperature measurements for transient freezing in laminar internal flow using laser induced fluorescence (link)

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December 2023 - Paper accepted on a numerical benchmark for modelling phase change in molten salt reactors (link)

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October 2023 - We’ve had a very nice kick-off meeting of the ReZilient project in Trondheim . It has been nice meeting all the participants in this project and we are looking forward working on this new type of flow batteries.

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October 2023 - Anish Kumar Kodiyinal will start his PhD project on flow batteries in the framwork of the European ReZilient project, thereby using the lattice-Boltzmann method to model the flow and species transport. 

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May 2023 - Paper accepted: An energy-conservative DG-FEM approach for solid–liquid phase change by Bouke Kaaks, Martin Rohde, Jan-Leen Kloosterman & Danny Lathouwers.

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March 2023 - EC proposal REZILIENT has been granted! The goal of ReZilient is to fill the gap between short-term EES and long-term hydrogen storage by developing and demonstrating at lab-scale (0.5-1.5kW/6kWh) a completely new Zn-air flow battery technology. If successful, the technology has disruptive potential in terms of both extremely low levelized-cost-of-storage, extended storage time, recyclability, and use of non-critical-raw-materials.

Our research group has a vacancy now for one PhD student

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January 2023 - Ruben Dewes started his post-doctoral research project on the removal of solid fission products from molten salt. This project is part of the Europen MIMOSA project.

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October 2022 - Gave a presentation on KIVI’s “inspirerende ingenieurs 2022” on October 2. Subject: molten salt reactors with thorium!

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April 2022 - Official opening of the ESPRESSO facility, built to measure melting and solidification under convective boundaries.

Mimosa logo

March 2022 - The MIMOSA proposal has been granted by the European Commission! This project specifically focusses on the demonstration of several key aspects of technical feasibility and performance of Chloride based molten salt reactors, that will contribute to accelerating the deployment of this advanced technology, on Pu and MA conversion respectively and on production of valuable isotopes for other applications. See here.

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March 2022 - Zheng Liu successfully defended his PhD thesis on using microfluidics to purify radioisotopes! His thesis can be downloaded here.

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December 2021 - Sara successfully defended her PhD thesis on Molten Salt characterization! Her thesis can be downloaded here.

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September 2021 - Paper on a technique to use ultra-sound to measure low viscous fluids is accepted for publication in Measurement Science and Technology! Authors are Sara Mastromarino, Remko Rook, Dick de Haas, Eric Verschuur, Jan-Leen Kloosterman and Martin Rohde. The paper can be found here.

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November 2020 - Dr Fulvio Bertocchi won the laureate title for ENS HSC PhD Award, after an excellent performance at the final stage of the contest!

Martin Rohde (2025)